Tyranny in the Cafeteria
This, sadly, is not the only example I can easily bring to mind showing the evilness of Pete. I sit down at the middle end of the 8th grade girl's table. For some reason--no sarcasm intended--Pete has singled us out and spends much of the lunch period standing at the end of our table, looking for minor infractions. Because there are about 14 of us, there is not always enough room to sit at the table. Because of this, some people stand. One girl was standing at the end of the table, and she was given recycling duty for a week. Now keep in mind that we are at the fourth table from the door, so there is no possibility that she could have been causing a traffic problem. Sitting at the ends of the two middle tables is a problem for that very reason, seeing as the lunch line goes right past the end of the table. But no such problem exists at our table.
Why, oh why must all lunchroom supervisors be evil? Why must they punish us for breathing? Why do we put up with it? I will never know.