The Great Totla
When I originaly typed up Steven-Occupation: Treasure Hunter, I accidentally typed "totla" instead of "total." Wabson latched onto the word "totla," and insisted that I write the sequal to Steven's story, something about the Grand Totla. So here goes.
When Steven's "friends" returned from the Far North, they realized that one of them would have to have the job of telling Steven's son, Steve, that his father was dead. Timmothy voulenteered for the sad, sad job. There is one thing you should know about Timmothy. He has a bit of a speech problem, which causes him to sometimes mix around the sounds in a word. When he went over to Steve's house that night, he was feeling rather nervous, which always aggravates his speech problem. After describing the journey to Steven, he was feeling rather angry. He began to rant about how they had seen a grand total of zero movies, and he felt that they should have seen at least three for their effort. However, Timmothy was having a bad night. Instead of the word "total" he said "totla." Steve thought he heard that Steven's friends had seen the grand totla. Being and imaginitive-if not very bright-fellow, Steve immediatly decided that the Grand Totla was a rare Arctic bird. He also decided that if he could catch one, he would be the richest, happiest man alive. Being rather stupid, he did not think to gather any of his friends to go along with him. As soon as he hit snow, he fell over into a snow bank. Due to the large ammount of gear he had tied to his back, he could not get up. He died later that night. A cruel god dropped some expired movie tickets onto his frozen chest as a treat for anyone who found him. No one ever did. The End.
Well, that was depressing.
When Steven's "friends" returned from the Far North, they realized that one of them would have to have the job of telling Steven's son, Steve, that his father was dead. Timmothy voulenteered for the sad, sad job. There is one thing you should know about Timmothy. He has a bit of a speech problem, which causes him to sometimes mix around the sounds in a word. When he went over to Steve's house that night, he was feeling rather nervous, which always aggravates his speech problem. After describing the journey to Steven, he was feeling rather angry. He began to rant about how they had seen a grand total of zero movies, and he felt that they should have seen at least three for their effort. However, Timmothy was having a bad night. Instead of the word "total" he said "totla." Steve thought he heard that Steven's friends had seen the grand totla. Being and imaginitive-if not very bright-fellow, Steve immediatly decided that the Grand Totla was a rare Arctic bird. He also decided that if he could catch one, he would be the richest, happiest man alive. Being rather stupid, he did not think to gather any of his friends to go along with him. As soon as he hit snow, he fell over into a snow bank. Due to the large ammount of gear he had tied to his back, he could not get up. He died later that night. A cruel god dropped some expired movie tickets onto his frozen chest as a treat for anyone who found him. No one ever did. The End.
Well, that was depressing.
ouch! I love it. *cackles evilly like the asylum owner in Beauty and the Beast*
Ahaneen, at 12:01 PM
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