Here are the answers for the previous quiz. I will go into some detail here, so be ready for some major technical talk.
1. Celebrian (pronounced like Celeborn, Galadriel's husband.)
2. 3. Arwen, and two brothers.
3. Elros. Elrond and his six brothers and sisters are all half-elf. Each one of them was given the choice to either live as an elf, or live as a human. Elrond obviously chose to live as an elf, while his brother Elros chose to live as a man. He lived a very long time, but was not immortal. Thousands of years later, his bloodline, the Numenorians, led to Aragorn. All of he numenorians have unnatural long lives. Aragorn lives to be about 200 years old, proof of his ancestry.
4. The sword that Merry is fighting with was created specially to kill the Witch King. Back before he became a Nazgul, the Witch King was just that. He was a wizard, and feared among all. There were swords made to fight him, and Merry ends up with one of them.
5. Estella Bolger. Estella Bolger is the sister of "Fatty" Bolger. This was not included in the origional family tree, so only later editions would include this.
6. Sam is allowed to sail to the Undying Lands because for a short time, he was the ringbearer (when he took the ring from Frodo, after teh scuffle at Shelob's Lair). Although he does not sail away with Frodo, he does leave when he is about 100 years old.
7. Eowyn means "Horse Joy," or "One who delights in horses" Eo- means Horse, and Wyn- means Joy. For more information on the Rohan Language, visit which has a whole dictionary of Old English, including Rohan names.
8. Lurtz
9. 6. There are three stars on each side of the White Tree.
10. Gladden Fields. This is very near the river where Deagol finds the Ring. When Isildur jumps into the river, the ring falls off his finger, and lands where Deagol will pick it up 2,500 years later.
1. Celebrian (pronounced like Celeborn, Galadriel's husband.)
2. 3. Arwen, and two brothers.
3. Elros. Elrond and his six brothers and sisters are all half-elf. Each one of them was given the choice to either live as an elf, or live as a human. Elrond obviously chose to live as an elf, while his brother Elros chose to live as a man. He lived a very long time, but was not immortal. Thousands of years later, his bloodline, the Numenorians, led to Aragorn. All of he numenorians have unnatural long lives. Aragorn lives to be about 200 years old, proof of his ancestry.
4. The sword that Merry is fighting with was created specially to kill the Witch King. Back before he became a Nazgul, the Witch King was just that. He was a wizard, and feared among all. There were swords made to fight him, and Merry ends up with one of them.
5. Estella Bolger. Estella Bolger is the sister of "Fatty" Bolger. This was not included in the origional family tree, so only later editions would include this.
6. Sam is allowed to sail to the Undying Lands because for a short time, he was the ringbearer (when he took the ring from Frodo, after teh scuffle at Shelob's Lair). Although he does not sail away with Frodo, he does leave when he is about 100 years old.
7. Eowyn means "Horse Joy," or "One who delights in horses" Eo- means Horse, and Wyn- means Joy. For more information on the Rohan Language, visit which has a whole dictionary of Old English, including Rohan names.
8. Lurtz
9. 6. There are three stars on each side of the White Tree.
10. Gladden Fields. This is very near the river where Deagol finds the Ring. When Isildur jumps into the river, the ring falls off his finger, and lands where Deagol will pick it up 2,500 years later.
I knew a lot of the history questions, so I'm proud. The "Merry's wife" one bugged me, lol! My mom is having me read Silmarillion, as well as the trilogy, so I asked her the q's too. she got all of them right.
haha, moms can rock. they can also bug the crap out of you.
-the destiny or the soul seer
Ahaneen, at 7:00 PM
DUDE! Your mom is SO cool! My mom loves LOTR, but she doesn't know ANY cool trivia. Oh, well.
Ravens n' Robins, at 4:15 PM
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