A rant for young master paolini

Well, I would like to start this post off with this kind message: CHRISTOPHER PAOLINI IS A HACK!!!!!!! Well, now that that is over with, I would like to take a moment to explain why.
1) Elves. He sort of COMPLETELY copied the elves from the Lord of the Rings, what with the tall beauty, living in trees, immortality, elegance, ancient magic, and so forth. He could have at least changed something. Oh, and the dwarves, too-see the previous sentance.
2) The names. Oh, please. Don't make me go over all of the places where this kid has copied name. Eragon=Aragorn-I'm insulted by this. Beor Mountians=Beorn (the guy in The Hobbit who turns into a bear) Ellsmeera=Ellsmeer Island (in the far north of North America, up by Greenland)
There is this one place that=the name of Paul's father (Dune) backwards, apostraphes and everything. The list goes on and on. Trust me.
3) The plot. Honestly. This is the most cliched plot in the history of the entire world. Boy with likely royal parentage, living a modest farm life comes upon marvelous thing (dragon egg), discovers that he has amazing powers, then goes off to save the world from the evil despot/sorcerer/dark lord.
4) The Varden=the Jedi, only the jedi are cool. Really, this one doesn't need explaining.
Not to sound rude, but do they really like plagerism in rural Montana? Because it seems like our dear friend Chris never figured out that original ideas are bad.
And none of the reviewers have noticed any of the afore mentioned points. "Best book since Harry Potter." Really.
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