Well, this is a little strange...
First things first. I got my SAT scores back! 670 verbal, 620 math, and 620 writing! That's 91st percentile for verbal! Yay!
Next things next. Did you know that there is wireless internet service in the desolate farmlands between Moses Lake and Spokane? Because that's where I am right now. That's right. I'm in the car driving through eastern Washington, staring at the lack of everything. And trust me, there is a lot of nothingf out here.
Lastly, I shall make some general exclamations on the mysteries of christianity. If you're christian, and don't like athiests, go away now.
First of all, Jesus was a jew. Christianity was a cult. Yes, a jew, and yes, a cult. Strange, eh? Secondly, literalists. The Seattle Mariners recently drafted a man who doesn't believe in dinosaurs, because they are not in the bible. This shall never cease to confuse and amaze me. What oes he think when he sees dino bones? And weren't giraffes not in the bible either? Trips too the zoo must be rather akward for this guy. Oh, well. Funny thing is, we're all infidels to somebody.
Next things next. Did you know that there is wireless internet service in the desolate farmlands between Moses Lake and Spokane? Because that's where I am right now. That's right. I'm in the car driving through eastern Washington, staring at the lack of everything. And trust me, there is a lot of nothingf out here.
Lastly, I shall make some general exclamations on the mysteries of christianity. If you're christian, and don't like athiests, go away now.
First of all, Jesus was a jew. Christianity was a cult. Yes, a jew, and yes, a cult. Strange, eh? Secondly, literalists. The Seattle Mariners recently drafted a man who doesn't believe in dinosaurs, because they are not in the bible. This shall never cease to confuse and amaze me. What oes he think when he sees dino bones? And weren't giraffes not in the bible either? Trips too the zoo must be rather akward for this guy. Oh, well. Funny thing is, we're all infidels to somebody.
Yesh, I got my ISEE scores back. one 8, the rest were 9's. Yay!!
Ahaneen, at 11:57 AM
I wonder why the man who doesn't believe in dinosaurs believes in baseball. Needs to get his convictions a bit straight, eh?
Nice job on the SAT!
-the destiny
Ahaneen, at 1:55 PM
Nice job, Wabson! And that's a very good point, AlmaSeer. Baseball definetly isn't in the Bible!
Ravens n' Robins, at 5:19 PM
Hey, I just realized that I have a links section in my sidebar. Would you mind if I linked to your blog?
-the soul seer
Ahaneen, at 2:15 PM
Not at all! I'm flattered. You can also link too websites
Ravens n' Robins, at 3:56 PM
Good luck, Sam!
Hey, were you in Scapina? 'Cause I know Ahaneen was, and it was a deaf/hearing youth drama program, and I saw thay you've been reading her blog for a while, and I might be way off on this, but whatever (my parents say I'm good at making connections...kind of).
And go ahead and link to my blog. But just a quick question. Why the hell are people wanting to link to this thing? Am I missing something here!?
Ravens n' Robins, at 6:53 PM
Okay, robson, here's the deal. So people link to blogs they think are rad, and by the way I might link to yours if you would permit me. *puts on puppy dog face to mollify classmate*
No, sam didn't perform in Scapina with me, the whole thing is purely coincidental. :)
-the Wobson
Ahaneen, at 11:21 PM
I really didn't know that this was such a great way to meet people! Yay!
Wobson, I really need to see this mollifying puppy face. But go ahead, link to me. I need to do some linking too.
Ravens n' Robins, at 9:01 AM
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