Steven-Occupation: Treasure Hunter
Here's a little story I wrote, using some required vocab words.
Steven was a lowly fellow. He lived in an apartment in a small city, and had a low wage job. He was in a rut. But one day, he happened upon a strange man. The man had a large ammount of white hair, in the form of a balding head, a beard, and a moustache. The man told Steven of a great many Tantalizing Riches to be found in the Far North. So Steven gathered together a group of his lowly friends, and together they set out to the Far North to find the Riches.
None of them had any proficiency in the area of finding Tantalizing Riches, and so they wandered for days. When they finally happened upon the cave said to hold the Riches, Steven and his friends discovered that the strange man had greatly distorted the prize. Instead of the piles of gold he described, they found only several movie coupons. In a fit of pique, Steven's friends killed him and left him in the cave. They took the coupons and saw a grand totla of zero movies, because they turned out to expired.
The End
Can you find the vocab words?
There is an unwritten law that all "Using the Words" stories must end with someone dying, or they are no good.
Trivial Questiion:
How many cups of chocolate was an Aztec king said to drink each day?
"What? A lion!?"
-The wife of O. Henry, master of the Suprise Ending. From an SCTV skit entitled "The Private Booth"
Steven was a lowly fellow. He lived in an apartment in a small city, and had a low wage job. He was in a rut. But one day, he happened upon a strange man. The man had a large ammount of white hair, in the form of a balding head, a beard, and a moustache. The man told Steven of a great many Tantalizing Riches to be found in the Far North. So Steven gathered together a group of his lowly friends, and together they set out to the Far North to find the Riches.
None of them had any proficiency in the area of finding Tantalizing Riches, and so they wandered for days. When they finally happened upon the cave said to hold the Riches, Steven and his friends discovered that the strange man had greatly distorted the prize. Instead of the piles of gold he described, they found only several movie coupons. In a fit of pique, Steven's friends killed him and left him in the cave. They took the coupons and saw a grand totla of zero movies, because they turned out to expired.
The End
Can you find the vocab words?
There is an unwritten law that all "Using the Words" stories must end with someone dying, or they are no good.
Trivial Questiion:
How many cups of chocolate was an Aztec king said to drink each day?
"What? A lion!?"
-The wife of O. Henry, master of the Suprise Ending. From an SCTV skit entitled "The Private Booth"
Nice story, that was a wonderful laugh. Vocab words: lowly, tantalizing, distorted...maybe rut? I'm probably wrong. That's okay.
Oh, and, I checked out your other blog. Great start; I love French stories. I'll be checking back to read more!
-the soul seer
Ahaneen, at 10:49 PM
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