I (don't) love raaaaaagtime
Holy crap, I haven't posted for almost a month. That kind of sucks. St. Patty's day (which is totally awesome) has come and gone, and so has the Irish dancing show season (I'm a dancer, for all of you who haven't even looked at my profile yet). Now we can get back to work on learning some more complicated steps, instead of the seper-easy ones we know right now. Seriously. My reel step is, like, a Beginner step. Not even an advanced beginner step. Nevermind the fact that I'm almost in championships, I still have four jump 23's in my reel. That kind of sucks.
I have, however, learned the famed "Cotton-Eyed Joe," the foot-tapping, hand-clapping, whooping finale of all of our shows. I have been denied the right of participating in this by my teacher, Robert (who has pinkeye right now. In both eyes. Seriously, who gets pinkeye in both eyes?) who is actually pretty cool, but even though I know Cotton-Eyed Joe now, it's no thanks to him. I have exploited the black marked of show steps created by a bunch of teen girls who want to look good at competitions--a wish that involves learning some actually good steps.
In other news, it is now the second year running that my grade has been assigned to sing a song about music. Last year it was the infamous "Shim Sham Shimmy," which is honestly as bad as it sounds. Provided here is an exerpt:
C'mon baby put your best threads on
Lock up the door and let's get gone
We'll take a little ride in my Coup DeVille
To a spot that's rocking right over the hill
We'll do the shim sham shimmy
Shim sham shimmy
Really. I kid you not. And it has this kind of strange tune thing going on, too. Provided also is an exerpt from "I Love Ragtime"
I love Ragtime
I wanna feel that rythm in my feet
Don't want slow drag-time
Hey leader play me something hot and sweet
I'm confessin' Ragtime's my obsession
I love Ragtime
I wanna feel that rythm
Be right with 'em
Hey play me some Rag
I have recently realized just why the school concerts are so fucked up. Everyone has to stand perfectly straight, with hands at their sides. Now, in kindergarten, this might be okay, but when last year's sixth graders sang "Chapel of Love"--Which, by the way, they actually sang quite well--they looked like idiots. Now, this has some logistical problems, but here is my proposal: why don't we just give between five and eight students from each class microphones and have them stand in front and sing like they mean it. Not that kind of "I don't care if this song has emotion, I'm just going to sing it" thing, but like Janis Joplin. Really getting into it! That would be pretty kick ass.
I have, however, learned the famed "Cotton-Eyed Joe," the foot-tapping, hand-clapping, whooping finale of all of our shows. I have been denied the right of participating in this by my teacher, Robert (who has pinkeye right now. In both eyes. Seriously, who gets pinkeye in both eyes?) who is actually pretty cool, but even though I know Cotton-Eyed Joe now, it's no thanks to him. I have exploited the black marked of show steps created by a bunch of teen girls who want to look good at competitions--a wish that involves learning some actually good steps.
In other news, it is now the second year running that my grade has been assigned to sing a song about music. Last year it was the infamous "Shim Sham Shimmy," which is honestly as bad as it sounds. Provided here is an exerpt:
C'mon baby put your best threads on
Lock up the door and let's get gone
We'll take a little ride in my Coup DeVille
To a spot that's rocking right over the hill
We'll do the shim sham shimmy
Shim sham shimmy
Really. I kid you not. And it has this kind of strange tune thing going on, too. Provided also is an exerpt from "I Love Ragtime"
I love Ragtime
I wanna feel that rythm in my feet
Don't want slow drag-time
Hey leader play me something hot and sweet
I'm confessin' Ragtime's my obsession
I love Ragtime
I wanna feel that rythm
Be right with 'em
Hey play me some Rag
I have recently realized just why the school concerts are so fucked up. Everyone has to stand perfectly straight, with hands at their sides. Now, in kindergarten, this might be okay, but when last year's sixth graders sang "Chapel of Love"--Which, by the way, they actually sang quite well--they looked like idiots. Now, this has some logistical problems, but here is my proposal: why don't we just give between five and eight students from each class microphones and have them stand in front and sing like they mean it. Not that kind of "I don't care if this song has emotion, I'm just going to sing it" thing, but like Janis Joplin. Really getting into it! That would be pretty kick ass.
I sang it like Janis Joplin today at rehearsal... not because I felt like putting my heart into it, but because my cough was terrible.
Ahaneen, at 4:35 PM
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