Hey Everybody!
Okay, so I was reading over some of my earlier posts, and I'm just, like, "Hey, Wabson's the only person who read these!" So I am asking you all to go back and read my old posts, just 'cause they're kinda cool, and not yet forgotten. I think. Go on. Why are you still reading this? You should be back at my November archives. Seriously. Go away. Now.
Sure! Go ahead!
I love your new pic! I read the prologe, and I love the idea!
Woah, that was a LOT of exclamation points. Sorry. I'm just kinda hyper right now!
Ravens n' Robins, at 5:34 PM
Hey, liked your blog! Wanna to be friends? I think you know Sam already! Sam's my school friend, a good one at that!
Unknown Masked, at 2:53 PM
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