This is kind of hilarious

THE RULES: Go to a search engine, and type in your name then the word "needs." see what happens.
The results:
"The average adult Robin needs about 40 calories per day" (right. i'll work on that.)
"Ambushes are great for acquiring the money that Robin needs to pay the ransom
for King Richard's release." (I'll take your word on that. Or i could ambush people to raise money for a new ipod.)
"Robin needs to hook up with the Ravers." (check out the pic)
"But sometimes, even Robin needs help." (Don't we all?)
"Robin needs help going downhill" (I really hadn't noticed a problem)
"Robin needs to put Patrick in his place" (If I knew a guy named Patrick, he would already be in his place, and there to stay)
"Robin needs to choose between a local college and an out-of-town college." (a little early for that)
"Robin needs your help coming up with a hip/cool blog/domain name." (true that)
nice am going to try that...whats your favorite rent song?
M, at 5:30 PM
probably "will i" or maybe "out tonight"...damn it, I like them all!!!!
Ravens n' Robins, at 9:14 PM
me too! omfg! rent is coming to the theatre near where i live and i get to go see it! am sooo excited! yeah once every couple of days is kinda what i post now but over the summer i posted multiple times a day, that was before i got a myspace...i would say maybe will i and la vie boheme...maybe too many to pick..
M, at 8:36 PM
"I think Paisley needs to recognize the massive steps towards peace which have been taken by the IRA" (a BBC article refers to Ian Paisley, leader of the DUP)
"Brad Paisley is one of the most compelling performers in Nashville these days. His 1999 debut, Who Needs Pictures, was a commercial and critical success, selling more than 1 million copies." (fucking country singer)
"© Special Needs, University of Paisley" (university in the city of Paisley, Scotland) (a CHURCH?!?!)
That was very interesting and educational. Thx Robin. Cheers!
Anonymous, at 8:27 PM
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