No Day But Today

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Well, this is a little strange...

First things first. I got my SAT scores back! 670 verbal, 620 math, and 620 writing! That's 91st percentile for verbal! Yay!
Next things next. Did you know that there is wireless internet service in the desolate farmlands between Moses Lake and Spokane? Because that's where I am right now. That's right. I'm in the car driving through eastern Washington, staring at the lack of everything. And trust me, there is a lot of nothingf out here.
Lastly, I shall make some general exclamations on the mysteries of christianity. If you're christian, and don't like athiests, go away now.
First of all, Jesus was a jew. Christianity was a cult. Yes, a jew, and yes, a cult. Strange, eh? Secondly, literalists. The Seattle Mariners recently drafted a man who doesn't believe in dinosaurs, because they are not in the bible. This shall never cease to confuse and amaze me. What oes he think when he sees dino bones? And weren't giraffes not in the bible either? Trips too the zoo must be rather akward for this guy. Oh, well. Funny thing is, we're all infidels to somebody.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

How to be an Evil Overlord

I was talking the other day with Wabson (not her real name)and Ishni (not her real name either) and they directed me to a website containing the 152 guidelines for being an evil overlord. Since I almost fell off my chair laughing (I find the disposing of of the hero very funny for some reason...) I shall now direct you to the site.

Answer to last post's trivia
The gap was 18 mins, 20 secs.
Arlo Guthrie can help, because his most famous song, "Alice's Restaurant" is the same length, which he notices in a later edition.

New Trivial question
How many minutes are in a year?
How can you easily find this out? Hint: It helps if you live near Broadway.

My Legions of Terror will be trained in basic marksmanship. Any who cannot learn to hit a man-sized target at 10 meters will be used for target practice."
-Rule #56, which you already should have read. Why are you still here?

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Merry Holiday, Everybody

Yay for Christmas-I mean Winter-I mean Holiday-Break! Two weeks of freedom! And Nothing! And did I mention NOTHING!? I think I'm getting high! AAAAH! Ha! Ha!
I was hit yesterday by a big Oh-My-God train. Every year, on the Friday before Holiday/Winter break begins, the 8th grade students (being the oldest in my little K-8 school) face the faculty in a flag football game. The student population from 4th grade up is bitterly devided between the pro-students and the pro-faculty. Friend against friend, brother against brother! This year, though, there was one major difference. THIS YEAR, I WAS AN 8th GRADER. This came as a rather large shock. I also then realised that the mad yells of "GO STUDENTS!!!!" were ment for US. That was a rather scary thought. Anyway, we won! We were down by between ten and 20 for almost the whole game, until the last quarter, when we rallyed and came back. We were down by two with one second on the clock. Once the play started, it could go on as long as we liked, as say the rules. The pass was thrown, and it was one of the longest throws of the game. A spectacular jump-catch was made, and all of the student supporters streamed onto the field, screaming. It was SO cool.
I just looked back up at the title of this post, and remembered why I started it in the first place. I just wanted to rant about the insane political correctness this year. Is it really that offensive to go up to someone you don't know and wish them a merry Christmas? Isn't it the thought that counts? And why is it not so bad to go up to the same person and wish them a merry Kwanza or Hanukkah (Chanukkah, Channukah, Hannukah...)? If any of you understand these un-written rules, please let me know. I'm confused. I also heard that some of the christian nuts got mad at the whole "Merry Holiday" thing, because they thought it should just be "Merry Christmas"
SNL recently made fun of all of this, with the lighting of the Rockerfeller Center Holiday Tree. "Holiday Carols" were sung, with almost fanatic non-denomitaional-ness.

Silent Night
Normal Night
All is calm, all is bright
Round the fire, mother and child
Random infant, so tender and mild
Sleep in comfortable beds
Sleep in comfortable beds.

Random Trivia Question:
How long was the gap on the tape from Watergate?
How can Arlo Guthrie help you with this question?
Answers next post!

"Violins, not violence"
If you understand this and think it's funny, good for you. Think SNL.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Here are the answers for the previous quiz. I will go into some detail here, so be ready for some major technical talk.

1. Celebrian (pronounced like Celeborn, Galadriel's husband.)

2. 3. Arwen, and two brothers.

3. Elros. Elrond and his six brothers and sisters are all half-elf. Each one of them was given the choice to either live as an elf, or live as a human. Elrond obviously chose to live as an elf, while his brother Elros chose to live as a man. He lived a very long time, but was not immortal. Thousands of years later, his bloodline, the Numenorians, led to Aragorn. All of he numenorians have unnatural long lives. Aragorn lives to be about 200 years old, proof of his ancestry.

4. The sword that Merry is fighting with was created specially to kill the Witch King. Back before he became a Nazgul, the Witch King was just that. He was a wizard, and feared among all. There were swords made to fight him, and Merry ends up with one of them.

5. Estella Bolger. Estella Bolger is the sister of "Fatty" Bolger. This was not included in the origional family tree, so only later editions would include this.

6. Sam is allowed to sail to the Undying Lands because for a short time, he was the ringbearer (when he took the ring from Frodo, after teh scuffle at Shelob's Lair). Although he does not sail away with Frodo, he does leave when he is about 100 years old.

7. Eowyn means "Horse Joy," or "One who delights in horses" Eo- means Horse, and Wyn- means Joy. For more information on the Rohan Language, visit which has a whole dictionary of Old English, including Rohan names.

8. Lurtz

9. 6. There are three stars on each side of the White Tree.

10. Gladden Fields. This is very near the river where Deagol finds the Ring. When Isildur jumps into the river, the ring falls off his finger, and lands where Deagol will pick it up 2,500 years later.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A (pretty) Hard Quiz (at least by my standards)

I was doing some in-depth reading about the Lord of the Rings online, and I decided to make a quiz. You can post a comment with your answers, and I will tell you if you got any/all right. This is an open-internet/book test. If you can do it without anything, I worship the ground you walk on.

1. What is the name of Elrond's wife?

2. How many children does Elrond have?

3. Who founded the bloodline that would lead eventually to Aragorn?

4. Why was Merry's sword able to kill the Witch King? (In the movie, Eowyn is the one who kills him, while in the books, it was Merry, who stabbs the Witch King in the back of the knee.)

5. What is the name of Merry's wife?

6. Why is Sam allowed to sail to the Undying Lands with Frodo, and does he?

7. What is the meaning of the name "Eowyn"?

8. What is the name of the Uruk-Hai who kills Boromir?

9. How many stars are above the White Tree on the crest of Gondor?

10. Where did Isildur lose the Ring and his life?

Feel free to turn in answers!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Standardized Endurance Testing

Although I am only in 8th grade, I have aquired bragging rights today. I have officially survived the new SAT, but only just. I emerged from tthe classroom weak and nearly dead, but a spark of life was still flickering somewhere in my brain. Ah, for the days of the old SAT, which was oh so much shorter. But now one takes the new SAT, which is 3 hrs, 45 minutes, with 10 sections. Since I have practically sworn in blood not to talk about the questions, I shall shut up now.
I need coffee. I'll let everyone know how I scored, unless I did really bad, in which case I won't put up my three-digit total score up on the web. But hopefully I'll have at least four digits to work with. I'd say pray for me, but I'm sort of agnostic. Keep your fingers crossed.